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Tuesday, April 10, 2007


So to all those think of Seattle, and say "Ugh, too much granola and peace-loving hippies! Let's hope Kelly stays strong to her city-girl-roots!" I have bad news. I have made my very first batch of organic, homemade, great-with-yogurt, granola. And it freakin' rocks! And you all wish you had some!


Mum said...

Lavender Sunshine,
Well, I've got to say, that is very fine granola! I'm glad you haven't forgotten your roots. Next thing we'll hear is that you're baking your own bread. I still have my old recipe from when you were a little hippette...let me know when you're ready for it...
Love you, Mum

BC said...

Sounds awesome!! I want some homemade bread. And yeah, that granola kicks some serious hippy ass!