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Tuesday, August 7, 2007

I Still Have a Long Way to Go

I have been thinking about the labyrinth a lot lately (and not the David Bowie movie, although I confess I have watched it and bring it up in discussion a bit too often). The labryinth is a visual reminder of the spiritual journey that we are taking, it is a tool for meditation and the practice of quieting the outter chaos in order to hear more clearly. In this, I still have a long way to go, but it is good.


Anonymous said...

This is beautiful, Belle. It references some kind of genesis- like a fetus in the womb, or an epiphany within the brain.

This afternoon I was discussing with someone this seal I'd like to paint on our ceiling, or carve in styrofoam (I will explain later). "Buong Xa Di" is what it says in a Chinese labryth styling.

We are so connected, girl.

Anonymous said...

Okay, so now you have me trippin'. You commented that the bottles looked "birthed" in these spots, probably at the same time I commented that your painting references "a fetus in the womb."


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UmberDove said...
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UmberDove said...
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UmberDove said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Oh mai Goodness. I just noticed the text. What does it say??

UmberDove said...

It says "I still have a long way to go." The red is me right now.

candacemorris said...

I can't even handle this painting. When will the sheer beauty and vulnerablity that comes through in your paintings stop shocking me?!!!!