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Friday, February 13, 2009

The Friday Confessional, February 13th

Confession Number 55:  I keep a secret stash of junk food in my studio.  As my studio is right next to the International District, and therefore my favorite Asian Supermarket, that stash is usually written in foreign languages that I can not read, and therefore, can not be held responsible for their ingredients (read: corn syrup).  Currently there may or may not be a box of "Pocky for Men (and what does that mean? Men get the dark chocolate and women get the milk? I think that's all backwards!)," a package of those vanilla wafers (you know, the really addictive ones that you have to put away after having two or else you'll crunch through the whole pack), and one or two stragglers in a bag of sour chewy things.  I hide them in various places.  From myself.  But somehow, I always seem to find them.  I'm taking this to mean I need a bigger studio.  


Raspberry Orchid said...

Confession No.1126: I still enjoy oozing (strawberry) jello out from between my teeth just as much as I did back in 2nd grade when I discovered this ingenious trick with Aaron...(Ah! What was his last name?! The cub scout who could do the splits up against the wall...Soooo cool)

Confession No.1127: When dropping food, I abide by the 5-second rule.

Confession No.1128: I enjoy eating hot cheetos fries (I know, I know, MSG, blah, blah, blah) in the following manner: I place 2 fries in my mouth systematically. One lined up between the upper and lower molars of my right cheek, and the other lined up between the upper and lower molars of my left cheek. And in perfect accord I crunch.

candacemorris said...

I am sitting in chilis.

That's enough of a shameful confession, right?

Unknown said...

i smoke indoors.

i finished my valentine's whitman's sampler in a day and half.

i would rather play cribbage online than read right now.

emilyclare said...

I admit to a dark chocolate stash too. The greatest relief for period pain I say! And well, general happiness.

jordan said...

i love bums. i look at most people's behinds. it's not a sexual thing, not really, it's more like a connoisseur thing. like the same way you'd check out a nice car to see if it appeals to you. i feel similarly about hands and feet. not weird at all, i don't think (well maybe a bit).

happy vday to all! we're spending a quiet night at home with a fantastic homemade joint effort dinner. i can't wait.

The Noisy Plume said...

K.Bell: You know about my stash.

Jordan: "more of a connoisseur thing..." GUFFAW

As for mine, it's a joint confession: RW and I could live solely on instant pistachio pudding for all of our days.

PS Thanks for the birthday telly:) LOVE you.

emilyclare said...

Oh Jordan you DO make me laugh!

UmberDove said...

It just keeps getting better...

Jordan - the bum connoisseur - OMG that made me laugh so hard!

Ti - mai eattin' friend - you are the original dirty girl!

Mme - were there bottomless chips involved? Molten lava cake? I mean, it could get even more shameful...

Cibo said...

Haha, I'm just dropping in for a quick visit here on my trip through the blogosphere, but I thought a bit of trivia might help solve the Men's Pocky mystery...

In Japan, it is considered childish or womanly for a man to desire sweets, sweet drinks (like soda or juice) or even desserts. Men are "supposed" to drink tea, coffee, liquor, you know, "manly" things. ;) So, Glico, needing to appeal to the other half of the population in order to generate an even profit on their home turf, ingeniously decided to manufacture a special "out" for Japanese men by selling "Pocky for Men"; and as the Japanese do tend to believe in labels, naturally this meant that anything that's labelled "for men" must be okay! And that's the story of how Glico managed to circumvent masculine social stigma by way of commercialism.

I hope that helps! And good luck with the artings! <3

UmberDove said...

Cibo - Wow, I'm so glad you wrote that up - completely makes sense! Ah the world of marketers, so tricksy!