What with all the tra-la-la-ing out to the river, gluttonizing on Autumn foliage and giggling over kitty trees I'm afraid you may think I'm going soft around the edges. I'm now here to offer the rebuttal, to convince you that yes indeed, life here in North Bend consists of far more than wooded frolics and 20 cups of tea in one day (although they both happen - really) and being slightly freaked out by squirrels who look you dead in the eye with an "I mean business" stare (also true).
I've actually been so busy, there may or may not still be cardboard boxes in my living room.
** Side Note **
I decided that today needed to be a heeled-boots-and-pink-prettiness day after I woke up, stumbled into the kitchen, opened the fridge and briefly considered eating nothing but 5-layer bean dip for breakfast. I had to nip that in the bud. Pronto.

In painting news, since it's been a precious long time, I've set up my make-shift-Winter studio in the back of the house (the charmingly rustic studio building - which will be the permanent studio - located in the back, has no heat and these lithe fingers must stay limber enough to hold a brush!). I've a plethora of upcoming shows and a large stack of white canvas sparkling in the light, waiting to be created. Last week I kissed a handful of paintings on their little gessoed heads, wrapped them up with tidy labels, told them to be safe, then shipped them out to Florida for a December show (Aqua Art Miami ** whoot!).
The shelves in my studio-room are becoming jam-packed with tiny canvases, loads of 5" squares jostling shoulders as they vie for attention. Leaves and feathers tumble with tally marks and rings, bird skulls, hollow rabbits, and ghostly antlers all share space, simultaneously nodding to religious iconography and the early American surrealist movement. This place is so full of inspiration, I feel that I can hardly scribble down a single idea before ten more are crowding my head. Every time I walk the trails out back I see moss covered maples (totems), ferns pressing upward (arms lifted in praise), fallen birds (tributes to the cyclical nature of life), clouds on the horizon (all that is still hidden) and blazes of sunlight (blessing on my face). I see my lines reflected in the river currents, my words written in bare branches, my movements in the toss and flip of leaves. I often feel torn: it's hard to be inside looking out at all there is to observe, but as soon as I'm out, I only want to feel the paintbrush, solid in my grip.
The longer I sit, the more I think about this thing I do, the more certain I am that my path is steady underfoot. That's not to say it's easy; sometimes the fog rolls in thick and the rains blind me. But I know it's my path, and I must pull on my boots and walk.
Adieu my friends,
- Umber
How does kitty stay out of all that paint?
Love the pink!
Did actually notice the new lovely creations...patches patchies...and of course something in the el shoppo is still my very FAV..
Love the picture of you sewing...
Adieu, Adios, Buenas Tardes Dona Dove (practicing my espanol)
I'm going through withdrawls.
(this post made me want tea. i just put on the water.)
Even though kitty boys have the badness in their hearts, 95% of the time they mind their manners and stay on the window ledge or the little bed I have set up just to the right of that table (and they only get to be in the room when I'm in there). However we did have an occasion some years ago involving bright blue paw prints through the house and a forfeit of our deposit...
: ) I was sure of that. My kitties ran in the pan of wall paint once when were painting. They ran and I ran....
... And then because I was shouting things I learned from sailors they kept running...
yep. that's about how it goes.
In college, I lived on the top floor of an old house with a window that opened onto the top of the back porch. The landlord decided to re-tar the roof while my kitchen window was open.
Cat + tar = nasty pawprints through house followed by painful solvent cleaning (painful for me)
Umber Dove -- How does someone living on the great white tundra in Canada actually obtain one of your paintings?
(It's not white yet but "brown and dry" doesn't sound as nice.)
Ummm ! I am very much enthralled with tiny tinny itsy bitsy art... so is there a way these little lovelies are purchasable? Or are they called for, and then what I really want to say which has no substance is do you have one in shades of yellow we can just look at over a post....
I'm off to your website for a fix!
Love and Light,
okay, this might be neurotic, but i can't stop looking at that bowl of thread. all the colors in approximate ROYGBIV order...i want that bowl. and the thread.
congrats on the new addition to your etsy arsenal - the gift certificate! love the look, love the wording - it's so you.
i'm also loving all the new stuff you're patchie-ing up for my eyes to feast upon...i probably can't resist the temptation much longer. i'm serious.
Michele y Michaela - LOVE you ladies! To answer some questions, YES, my work is for sale. Quite a few pieces are earmarked for shows but they are still salable. I'm in the middle of a huge overhaul of my website (it's shamefully over due!) but if you would like to see some sneak peeks I'd love to send you some photos. Drop me an email: UMBERDOVE@GMAIL.COM
She - I love having my thread color organized according to ROYGBIV. I also have my closet arranged that way, all my books grouped that way, my paint tubes, the list goes on and on... Sometimes I'm a little OCD.
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