I thought I was terribly clever and on top of my business when I stacked up all your perfect packages and trotted right out to the post today... and then realized that my dear postal workers (Tom, Linda, I appreciate you and your funny little quips) would be off for Veteran's Day (and veterans, I really appreciate you because I love the life I lead). So... tomorrow!
That said,
I also appreciate you. Like the dickens. More than chickens.
Your support yesterday, and honestly, every day, sets my heart on fire and I count my blessings to know this:
1. I am following the path I was destine to walk.
2. The ladies and gents I send my work to really and truly do understand it. They hear the song I sing and weave it into their own hearts, bringing it into their own homes, their own lives, the lives of their children. This is the greatest blessing I can hope to receive as an artist.
I must go pack enough clothes to make it through three weeks for the 72 hours I'm spending in Seattle starting tomorrow. You NEVER know what might come up therefore I must have rain boots, vintage furs and striped tights just to cover all the bases. In fact, that all sounds pretty good together. Maybe I just decided on my airplane outfit. Because that's really what airlines need more of these days: Panache
I'll be back next week (and back with a puppy!) so hold down the fort while I'm gone!
Salut dear one....
and goodnight
I await your package with much anticipation and excitement!
Arms wide open. Come home.
Can wait to hear about your adventures with your bestie. Woo!
Airport internet = sweetness.
Delayed flight... ugh.
Catching up on my Umber, and later as usual. I hope it will be, is, was . . . a wonderful time.
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