I tell you true:
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Yes My Deers, This One is For You
I tell you true:
Posted by UmberDove at 1/27/2011 12 comments
Labels: Leather Work, painting love
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
To a Woman named V
Posted by UmberDove at 1/26/2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
My Bread Wears Hats

Maybe not always Pope hats, but they certainly do wear little toques in the oven and they certainly have been blessed by the heavens.
Which brings me to the discussion at hand: namely BREAD BAKING. A few months back I promised some lovely bake-tresses that I would post my very own bread recipe, but it's possible I became sidetracked for a hundred or so days.
I've been baking my own bread for years now, tweaking and experimenting with various recipes until finally developing a hearty loaf with a chewy crumb and a touch of sweetness that lends itself scrumptiously to poached eggs, jams of all sorts and smears of brie. It's practically perfect in every way.
There is so much about baking bread that makes me feel intrinsically connected with the act of feeding my little family. I know every ingredient that goes into my bread, I'm able to make purchasing choices I believe in (buying local and organic ingredients), I work over the bread, kneading and forming the loaves, timing the rises with other kitchen tasks, the whole while allowing the heady scent of bread to fill the house.

Honey Whole Wheat Bread
(makes three loaves)
You will need:
3 Cups Warm water (110 degrees F is the going rate for "warm")
2 Tbsp Active Dry Yeast (or two packets)
2/3 Cup Honey (divided)
3 Tbsp Unsalted Butter
1 tsp Salt
5 Cups Bread Flour
1 Cup Oat Flour**
3 Cups[ish] Whole Wheat Flour
2 Tbsp Ground Flax Seeds**

~ Step One ~
In a large bowl, dissolve yeast into warm water. Add 1/3 Cup honey, give a stir, then add in 5 Cups of Bread Flour (stirring the dough after each cup is added will help with the mixing process). Set the bowl aside for it's initial rise in a room temperature spot for 30 minutes - or until the dough is puffing up into a large and bubbly (but very gooey) consistency.
~ Step Two ~
Melt the butter in a small bowl, then pour over dough. Add salt and remaining 1/3 Cup honey to dough then give the mixture a good stir. Add oat flour, ground flax seeds and 1 Cup of whole wheat flour to dough and stir gently (I only say gently because vigorous stirring generally results in this:).

~ Step Four ~
Once the dough has doubled in size, give a solid punch-down then turn out onto your work surface. Divide the dough into three equal portions, then give each a light kneading and shape into loaves (more than anything here, you are making sure that any air bubbles are released). If you need direction on shaping loaves, a simple youtube search will do the trick. Place the bread-to-be into three lightly greased loaf pans and set back in your warm place for their final rise, about 20 minutes or until the dough has risen and topped the sides of the loaf pan by about one inch. Meanwhile preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
~ Step Five ~
Bake Em'!
Bake your loaves for 25 to 30 minutes, interrupting the baking process half-way through to place the bread hats - a single 6"x8"ish sheet of foil - over each loaf to keep the tops from becoming too dark and hard. Turn the loaves out onto cooling racks when done, and prepare to carb-overload!

~ A few tricks and tips ~
**I buy rolled oats - the same kind used for oatmeal - and whole flax seeds in bulk and grind them to a floured consistency in a cheap coffee bean grinder.
* Buy great quality flour. I've always loved King Arthur flours, but recently I've been playing with a local organic flour - but of course don't let a lack of flour keep you from baking!
* When testing the bread for doneness, tap the bottom of the pan with a wooden spoon. A "done" loaf should give a hollow knock - but if you're still in doubt, do insert a wooden skewer and be sure it comes out completely clean.
* This recipe makes three loaves - perfect for slicing into one immediately and freezing the other two for later consumption (once the loaves are completely cool, wrap them well and pop 'em in the freezer - they'll defrost beautifully).
* Buy real butter. I'm just saying. Smear it on and take the stairs.
Full bellied and Loafily yours,
- Umber
Posted by UmberDove at 1/23/2011 20 comments
Labels: bakin' and cakin', bread, recipes
Friday, January 21, 2011

The studio has never looked brighter (or greener. I can not stop purchasing house plants. Today I stopped by the nursery for a bag of cactus potting soil and came home with a rex begonia in shades of fiery pomegranate and a fern whose tag said only "Mother"). My head has absolutely been brimming with new ideas, bubbling over faster than I can even record them. However it's a funny space (my head, not the studio that is); my imagination is at a full gallop with imagery in paint, on stone, on leather, on canvas but as soon as I try to reach out and grab just one of those thoughts, the vision dissolves like a mirage. I can no longer see the piece as a whole, just tiny details. Random bits. My pencil seems blindfolded when I set it to paper. The concepts are so strong in my mouth, but translation falters before my eyes.

Yesterday I wanted to call out to the heavens:
"It's a sticky place to be in, my darling muse.
Sweep away the curtains! Let me on with my business!
Chop chop now, quit your heartless teasing and give me my sights!"
(except insert a few saucier words of your choosing)
I've pressed on, but it's been one of those weeks where entire days in the studio are lost to a slip of the leather shears, or [multiple] two hour drives working out the details of what our future looks like, or kitty boys who teach a neighbor cat a lesson, resulting hours spent at the veterinary clinic (my Thai! My little bruiser has a shaved neck and a drain that requires cleaning every so many hours but he is a trooper like none other, demanding food sacrifices for his valiant behavior. Also, for the record, the other cat leapt into our yard - our boys are never allowed free wandering!).
At the same time, there has been writing, photographing, tooling, painting, drawing and all manner of just looking. But as of this very second, nothing I'm ready to show.
Sometimes the ideas come so easily I forget about the struggle.
Sometimes I don't trust the fast ideas and often, when ship sails smoothly along I miss the struggle. The wrestling with unpracticed imagery, the discomfort of stretching into a new concept, the ache of potential failure. It's like the burn in your calves when the hill is steep, the fire in your lungs when the trail stretches farther than you've ever run before.
It hurts.
I feel as through I'm acquiring creative stretch marks.
But I asked for that growth, and I went after it with gumption. So here's to believing with every fiber of my being that the struggle reveals the answers, that the pruned branch bears the sweetest fruit.
Here's to the struggle.
Posted by UmberDove at 1/21/2011 5 comments
Labels: ferns, The Struggle of Art
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Sketchbook Writings
Posted by UmberDove at 1/20/2011 8 comments
Labels: la luna, mornings, Sketchbook Writings
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
UmberDove and the Return to the Interwebs
Posted by UmberDove at 1/18/2011 14 comments
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
A Day in the Life of The Dove
~ Monday January 10th, 2011 ~
6:42 am

Posted by UmberDove at 1/11/2011 28 comments
Labels: A Day in the Life of The Dove
Monday, January 10, 2011
Why Yes, I do love you Leather
Posted by UmberDove at 1/10/2011 21 comments
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Studio Peekery Sneakery
My studio smells like Jesus, a leathery, cedary, balsamish Jesus. It's spirituality by virtue of air quality.

I've been swinging a hammer.
There's a new medium to explore and it's name is leather, supple, malleable, lusciously paintable leather. This piece, the very first in what I hope to be a long line, is not quite done but I'm so beside myself with excitement that I had to show you. It's the type of obsessive excitement where other todo's drop off the face of the earth in favor of following the muse. It's the type [disclaimer: OTHER ARTISTS. DO NOT THROW ME UNDER THE BUS. I KNOW YOU DO THIS TOO] of excitement where you squirm in your chair because you need to pee but just... need... to... work for ten more seconds. Which inevitable turns into 20 minutes.

I'll show you as soon as it's done, which will be sooner than later as I can barely tear myself away. It's a doozy this one.
That said, I'm popping on a mixed CD and hustling back to work. Hope your evening is filled with pomegranate liquor and vegan cornbread, as mine surely is!
Sayonara minxes and minxettes!
Posted by UmberDove at 1/06/2011 17 comments
Labels: studio tour