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Monday, April 15, 2013


Epoch Ring
(sterling silver and adventurine)

A few years ago I was sick, wracked with everything western medicine could do to stop cellular mutation.  One day I read a short snippet, surely in one of the trillion pamphlets and packets the doctors have given me, that simply read: "In one year's time, the body will replace, turn over, and regenerate up to 85% of it's cells."  
I could picture it like some sort of virtual, interactive map: cells blinking and lighting up throughout my body.  New cells, scrubbed clean, bright and shining, springing up at every second.  Of course they carried the imprint of history, the story of their elder cells, the ancestral burden of trauma, but they were NEW.  And they were HEALTHY.  And I hung onto that image like a lifeline.  One year, I told myself, and I will experience a new beginning, a rebirth of organic nature.  One year, and I'll know I'm filled with baby fresh cells and a new era will begin.
* * *
A short while back I made a ring, quite similar to this one, for myself; a modern, abstract image of those cells bursting with new, rich life.  It was my reminder of the 85%, of the one year's time.  When I created it, I intended to make several for the shop, but it felt too private, too secret to share, intimate in the way that abstraction can make one feel as though they're standing in their skivvies in front of the school.  And then this last weekend I felt the fire to make one for you and share the story here.  And that's the kind of fire I'll never ignore.
* * *
Happy Renewal Friends!
Merry Spring!
Get out there and let the sunlight kiss your cheek!
~ U ~

(the Epoch ring is heading to the shop right now)


Joyful said...

Happy Renewal to you too Ms. Umber. It's a beautiful story and a beautiful ring made by it's beautiful creator. The power of hope is a wonderous thing. Love and hugs. xx

UmberDove said...

Joyful! To you as well: renewal and hope and love and hugs! It just feels like there's always time for growing, no?

Cat said...

Happy Renew sister
glad to have you here,
with your shiney new cells and all....
you are a blessing to all those who know you

love and light
and here to many more continual renewals, ♥ to see you sharing the story of your heart

kerin rose said...

namaste, beauty...namaste

Carrie said...

I love you and I don't even know you. Thank you for always sharing your life's story and giving me hope.

Brittany said...

beautiful beautiful work. xo

jordan said...

guess what? I love you. all the way from the still frigid Canadian north, i hope you can feel it just as much as when i sent you those vegan cookies all the way from here to California :)


emilyclare said...

ohhhhh truly the human body is such beautiful mystery and cosmos! happy renewal indeed; here's to unfurling and blossoming this spring like never before xx

prairiegirl said...

I knew you were in renewal mode. I felt it. It's been a long winter, and a contemplative season at that.
I want to jump with joy, click my heels and sing sing sing to celebrate you. To newness, to strength, to open wings!
You mean so much, to so many people.
Merry spring, you budding beauty.

Allisunny S. said...

I met you in the beginning of it all and your grace blew my mind. I adore you and your beautiful meaningful work, dear friend. Xoxo

Anonymous said...

happy for that lifeline and your life...beautiful.