It's such a big day.
As in heart-pounding, breathless, giddy, just-peeded-a-little excited.
For a handful of years I've felt the tug to teach, to share my experiences, processes, and successes (and not so). I adore creating, I love story telling. I believe that the making of my personal art is the first half of its life (albiet the only half I need to find fulfillment in the making): the second half is completed when another person sees that art and it speaks to them, reveals meaning to them, reminds them of their importance, their beliefs, their own life experience. THAT is my favorite facet of art; the connection, the sharing, the inspiring that in turns inspires others.
All of this in mind, about a year ago I decided to answer the [growing louder and louder] call to craft a course that could be offered across the globe to all kindred spirits. I've spent months building content, documenting the things that I do to garner and gather inspiration, the ways I translate those ideas into tangible forms, and preparing it in this offering to you.
And so I present, with the sticky thrill of exhilaration,
True Center.
- The Offering -
True Center is an eCourse focused on the concentrated cultivation of your artistic life. Over these six weeks we'll join to establish, develop, and grow the creative practices that open the flood gates of inspiration. We'll talk about where ideas spark and how to open our hearts and minds to receiving more of them. We'll talk about what it takes to move from vague concept to raw form to polished piece in your medium of choice. We'll break boxes, expand boundaries, and fearlessly step into the fullness of your unique potential as a creative being. This course is a safe place for experimentation. for taking leaps into the uncharted waters of your personal well of inspiration.
This is not a course to teach you how to make a pretty painting, to snap the perfect photograph, or to create the loveliest piece of jewelry - although we'll talk about all those concepts and more. This is a class crafted around unlocking your True Center, working with the deep beauty you already hold inside, taking what lights you up and sets your soul ablaze, and then learning to create from that authentic and inspired place. This is a course for those willing to delve into soulwork, to use their utterly individual experience as a glorious human being to inform their art. This is a course for those who want to add depth, intention, meaning and story to the work of their hands. This is a course for finding your True Center.
- The Details -
Through the True Center eCourse you will receive:
- Six weeks of concentrated instruction in a private virtual classroom. Each week will hold new themes, vibrant lesson posts, videos, assignments, journaling and projects.
- Two LIVE group Question and Answer sessions to address the your questions on art, making, technical skill, broad concepts, and what ever else comes up!
- Entrance into our "secret" FaceBook group, a place to share inspirations, artistic breakthroughs (and the plateaus that always come before), build like-minded community and find support in this path of life and artistry as one.
- The Other Details -
- The True Center Summer Session will open on Monday June 24th and run for six full weeks, with instruction ending on Friday August 2nd. All content will remain available for an additional six weeks to ensure plenty of time for completion.
- Registration for the True Center Summer Session course is $99; sign-ups officially going live on Wednesday May 29.
- This is an OPEN MEDIUM course. What does that mean you ask? The True Center eCourse is designed to meet you where you are, in the medium in which you love. Much of the assignments and projects we'll do will take place in our sketchbooks and journals in order to develop the resource tools to inform your personal artwork. We will discuss moving ideas, from the thought phase, through various mediums and how to interpret inspiration across the mediums you prefer to work with.
- The FaceBook group is optional, and in no way a requirement for taking the course. I strongly believe that we must be true to that which feeds us, supports us, lifts us up in order to boldly create art; for some a high integrity community is a vital part of this process. Either way, know that I believe in the decisions you make.
* * *
Now here's the best part:
In the joy and excitement of this offering, it is my glee to gift two people with a scholarship to the True Center eCourse. All you need to do is leave me a comment here, on this blog post, with the words "TRUE CENTER" somewhere in the comment! It's that easy!
If you'd like to enter more than once, then I'd like that too! Every time you:
- "like" the UmberDove FaceBook page
- share this post via FaceBook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest etc. (your social media of choice),
- reblog this post
Simply leave me an additional, separate comment to let me know and consider yourself double, triple, quadrupled entered into the give-a-way!
The Give-a-way opens NOW and closes at midnight Tuesday May 28th. I'll be back on Wednesday May 29th to announce the winners and open registration for the summer session!
* * *
My friends, my sisters, my kindreds, I just want to thank you for being the bright shinning stars you are! I can not wait to begin this next part of the journey with you!
~ Umber ~
wow! this sounds like such a beautiful idea! I think the TRUE CENTER is just what our world needs more of - taking time to breathe - meditate - listen - connect - BE. so exciting!!
I'm so excited for this - both for you and the rest of us who are happy to have your acquaintance!
Love this! What a beautiful offering. Digging deep and discovering TRUE CENTER. So much richer with community and support. Bless you.
Woo Hoo. How exciting True Center is finally here. How delicious.
Sign me up! Sounds like a fantastic, soul-filled adventure!
True Center ~ something everyone needs to hear more about. What a wonderfilled gift of yourself.
True Center! Sounds amazing.
Oh this sounds so wonderful! I would absolutely love to enter for a place in TRUE CENTER ♥
This is so awesome!
shared on facebook...class sounds awesome!
Wow, what an amazing idea! I would be thrilled to be able to learn, glean, and deepen my love for Art.
Fingers crossed
How totally wonderful, i feel my life is a journey to my True Centre and now the opportunity to really learn how to express that through totally brilliant of you! ;) off to share it on fb, love and gratitude xxx
What an wonderful offering to help artists find their TRUE CENTER. This looks amazing.
wanted to spread the word.. pinned on pinterest!
I think my true center has been suffering lately, and it sounds as though your course might just be the thing to awaken it again. Thanks for the offering!
WOWZA! TRUE CENTER sounds just awesome!
I shared TRUE CENTER on facebook too! So excited for you and those that can take the course!
Thank you for this lovely offering.
I liked the UmberDove FaceBook page!
Your True Center ecourse sounds awesome. My creativity is in need of some energizing and what a perfect way to do it!
You TRUE CENTER course could not have come at a better time. Thank you for this opportunity! Off to go pin and tweet....
And tweeted! TRUE CENTER
Oh Hell YES. True Center. This is beautimous.
Oh my, yes please!
This just sounds so wonderful.
I have been looking for my True Center all of my life. Sometimes it is closer than others, this course sounds like a winner!
I liked your Facebook page, and am about to share your post on my timeline.
*true center* sounds like just what i need!!
and you are just the person to lead us onward!!
This sounds wonderful - I love that it's 'open medium.'
Oooooooh girl. Girl!!!' Xoxoxoxoxoxo
lah lah lah...boomba chucka! she comes!...
so excited for you Umber! xxo
I've been peeling away layers for decades searching to find my TRUE CENTER. This sounds like a spectacular gateway to explore and open windows into dormant creativity,
I'll share this TRUE CENTER course on facebook, I don't know how to re-blog a blog.
Wow, wonderful idea. :)
OoooOOOoooooH beauties!! Great idea and love the creative spirit of all this!
needle and nest design
Well Done Dove!
I can't think of anyone else I'd rather guide me to my True Centre...Oops, Canadian spelling...True Center!
I'm looking for my TRUE CENTER.
What a wonderful, generous give away.
I am sharing through pinterest and facebook.
This is very exciting!
TRUE CENTER...sounds amazing!
I am beyond excited for you my are truly finding your TRUE CENTER and by doing that offering others the courage and place to do the same. I am so in in in.
love and light
so proud of you
Pinned! True Center ecourse!
So excited for YOU and everyone who will B taking this TRUE CENTER Course!!!!!!
I "like" your True Center on your facebook page....
True Center sounds really intense!
I shared your True Center E-course on my face book page
I shared on my facebook page.
I pinned in pinterest
Trying to find my True Center again. This course sounds like the perfect assistance! I know its there, I just need a little help finding it.
Sign me up, woman. I feel like this is a continuation of all that i've been learning and trying to manifest these past few years. It's so good to see new stepping stones appear in my path.
Ahhhh, True Center, what a great name and a perfect outlet for the best calling of all! Can't wait...
True Center, what a great name for your endeavor!
"True Center" is such a beautiful and meaningful name. I would love to win a scholarship and am thrilled you are offering an e-course. <3
Awesome. Possum.
I'd love to win a scholarship, and be a part of your ecourse.
To me, *True Center* is a place to thrive within, that Place of balance. Do you the know the Greek word Arête? ...meaning to strive for your highest potential......or seeking to live the most individually authentic life you can. It's a good one.
Love seeing your journey to TRUE CENTER unfold and the encouragement for all of us to do the same!
The True Center course sounds like something that would be perfect for my transformational summer! And I liked your page at Facebook. Happy to learn of you from MaryBeth Bonfiglio.
this is not a giveaway entry but just a chance for me to say congratulations. you're an amazing force of positivity, inspiration and love. xoxo!!!
ugh! this is just what I need! I've felt so far from my TRUE CENTER lately that it's hard to create for creation sake.
Wow! So exciting. I have learned this year that it is vital for me to create in order to remain connected to the True Center. This offering seems like an amazing way to deepen the process
This is my first time visiting your blog (clicked over from Soulodge), Love it! And- your course looks awesome.
you've helped me find my "true center" in the time that i have known you, this time that i have fallen in love with you and your art.
i've been wanting to be more artistic and creative....and now must find the time to fit it into my life....
i just blogged it too!
YES! So glad to see this is happening -- giant W O O T xoxo Rachael
This is so wonderful!
AND i tweeted it!
True Center rally post!
True Center! I've loved this phrase and concept since you first blogged about it (over a year ago?). I would love, love, love to take your e-course. Well done!!
Sounds like one heck of a dream journey, for you and the lucky ones! Your watercolors, acrylics, sketchbook ideas, silver & stones, leather & one compares to you. The artist with the beautiful soul.
This course. What a brilliant idea, Dove.
Pinned for inspiration!
And who couldn't "like" UmberDove on FB? :)
So proud of you! This course is going to be incredible. True Center. Ahhh yes. Resonating <3
p.s. Pinned it! <3 <3 <3
With fingers crossed to explore further in TRUE CENTER!...A delightful giveaway chance indeed.
From the True northwest corner of Montana, and from the center of my being, I hope to be able to fully participate in this generous offering!
Love your style; you shine!
Just shared on my Facebook timeline.
Oh, how I'd like to discover my TRUE CENTER.
What a grand idea...and how tempting to try...xx
holy moly you are a strong and loving person to design all this True Center goodness. I would love to take part but I think I'm a little too scared. Scared to see what would emerge from this broken shell. I do need my art to help me live, my art therapist taught me that years ago - but to discover more about the real me and my abilities (or lack off), that's frightening. Every best wish Kelly xx
Shared again! I really really want to take this course, it sounds AMAZING! :-)
True Centre sounds wonderful. So glad I came across it. Hope it all goes well.
Shared on Facebook. Hoping some of my friends take it up.
Liked Umber Dove on Facebook. Fingers crossed for a True Centre spot!
Incredible!TRUE CENTER all the way!
Posted about your True Center E-course here:
lovely lovely lovely
love and light
happy weekend sister
Hey Kelly,
I blogged about your e-course- cuz I crave joining in! xoxo
I just emailed your blog link to my partner's son Quinn. Since he returned from Iraq he has struggled greatly but he's a true artistic soul who could benefit from True Center. :D
How synchronicitous...I am in a spot in my life where I need to decide "what's next". I have been wavering on either side of my TRUE CENTER for quite some time now, like a teetering toddler-and this would be a lovely course to send me back on my path.
Hello again....I "like" Umber Dove (you) on face book.
My True Center is what I want to find.
: )
our Canadian friend Cat sent me an email; with you have to check this out!!! I can see why.
sounds amaze
liked on fb :)
I'm so intrigued...TRUE CENTER.
WOW!! Go girl and teacher/inspirant!
How wonderful of you to share your wisdom and life like this. I'm excited for TRUE CENTER!
And I just shared your FB TRUE CENTER link on my FB page.
All best, Mz. Dove. :)
I'm an artist working in a vaccuum, the support of this course would help me find my true center
forgot to say...I shared via tumblr!
the true center is a brilliant idea!!
True Center is exactly what I need right now. What a great idea! I love your blog and your art so I can imagine how cool your class will be! Pick me:)
True Centre. Coming home to self. Radiating out with Love.
I'm definitely needing a compass to find my true center. Thanks for offering the chance for a scholarship. This course looks fascinating!
what an insanely sane idea! throwin' my hat in! you've been 'facebooked', too! i just may be comment 101, which would be cool to be an odd number!
This True Center ecourse is just what I need!
Creating from True Center--it's what I aim for in work and life entwined. True is my WOTY + I'd love to explore this further with like minded souls. Shared + liked on my timeline.
True Center...such powerful words. What a beautiful way to share your Center, Umber! Of course, this is shared on Facebook.
Of Course I am sharing. And Sharing and sharing. This is brilliant. The world needs this. Thank you, sister. <3
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