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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Change

October 1st, a new beginning. And the end, the end of a month-era that has been a greater success than I had seen coming.

1. Sept 28 - 2:34, 2. Greenery, 3. Good morning sunshine, 4. 9/24

All of you beautiful people who participated in the 30 Days of Self, well, I really fell in love with you this month. You can truly have no idea how your photos affected me with joy and laughter, sorrow and heaviness, inspiration and contemplation but know that I appreciate each and every one of you.

1. sp-30, 2. London Bridge l, 3. Day 23 - sitting in a tree, 4. Telling waters

The art of finding beauty in my own skin has been a tricky path. I hope that this comradery, this searching for beauty and sharing of life details has been as good for you as it has for me.

So all that is left to say is thank you.

You are beautiful souls.


candacemorris said...

you are a soul worth attempting to capture.
but we all know, it's impossible to fit anything that big and mysterious into one tiny photo.

but the endevor has been lovely to watch.

thank you for the encouragement.

Em in SF said...

Again, Darling, you have taught me to appreciate Me by encouraging me to step outside of my comfort zone.

Blessed I am, to count you among my dearest friends.

Chris said...

Thank you sooo much for this month Umber. It's been such a pleasure being part of a group full of such talented and wonderful people.

The snippets that people added were all like bits of one big story being pieced together.

This month has really made me think a bit more, taught me more about myself and my camera. So, thank you again Umber.