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Saturday, February 2, 2013

It's a slow, rolling sort of morning.  The crows left bones below the cedars and the coffee went down too easy.  I walked to the grocery for rice milk and avocados but arrived home with butter and chocolate chips.  Harlem jazz is creeping out the single pane windows and swinging down the street with the fog, and from the office, I can hear BC snapping in time.  I've been thinking about alignment.  I've been thinking about shed hunting.  I've been painting fecundity too.  I made two rings for you; they're filled with breath and balance and kyanite and the arcing glow of burnished sterling.  It's good to be alive.


Brittany said...

this post is a breath of fresh air, as they say. :)

prairiegirl said...

Your digits are so long and graceful wrapped around that mug of dark roast. Chocolate chip cookie ingredients, eh? Me too.
I so hope you scout out the land of sheds. And when you go, please let us tag along!

Unknown said...

I'm thinking we need to make a shed huntin' date <3

Cat said...


love and light

k said...

sounds just perfect - and that ring! i want one.